Saturday, October 8, 2011

Find The Jamisons

there is a back story that is person to the timing of when this reading came to me, but however random, here it is...note: in red are the words/phrases, etc that I received.  The other is the research on certain parts of that information.

sanctified ...
definition: made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use; "a consecrated church"; "the sacred mosque"; "sacred elephants"; "sacred bread and wine"; "sanctified wine"



under stone

angered looker

hid us

under stone


... definition: a very steep cliff

mommy, daddy with me

cartel ...
definition: cartel - a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly"

corporate trust, combine, trust

consortium, syndicate, pool - an association of companies for some definite purpose

drug cartel - an illicit cartel formed to control the production and distribution of narcotic drugs; "drug cartels sometimes finance terrorist organizations"

oil cartel - a cartel of companies or nations formed to control the production and distribution of oilsinken dirt
to right

truck lower

stone cover lower

told "no"

tangled web

tried to save our family from them

ground shifts due north - cracks

instead, they saved us from ourselves

greek mythology - donkey - they equal the greek mythology of the donkey...

definition/more information: In Greek mythology donkey is identified with Dionysus. There is also a story of King Midas who got the ears of donkey because of a wrong judgment during the musical contest. He preferred Pan instead of Apollo which means that he chose his sensuality instead of the taste of harmony.
HEPHAISTOS was the great Olympia
There was/is also a cult around this God figure
n god of fire, metalworking, stonemasonry and the art of sculpture. He was usually depicted as a bearded man holding hammer and tongs--the tools of a smith--and riding a donkey.
another source:

Some of the more famous myths featuring the god include:--

■His fall from Olympos in which he was cast away by Hera at birth;

■The trapping of Hera in a cursed throne and his return to Olympos;

■The adultery of his wife Aphrodite who was trapped with Ares in a golden net;

■The crafting of Pandora, the first woman, at the command of Zeus;

■The attempted rape of Athena which resulted in the impregnation of Earth and the birth of Erikhthonios;

■The crafting of the cursed necklace of Harmonia which doomed her descendants to a cycle of tragedy;

■The Trojan War in which he fought the river-god Skamandros with fire;

■The crafting of the armour of Akhilleus at the request of the hero's mother Thetis.
cries uttered

no one heard

over fast

didn't last

wanted out

they wouldn't let us free of what we'd become

sheets of plaster/glass

HYDROCAL White Gypsum Cement—a basic

HYDROCAL gypsum cement with a use consistency

of 45 lb. of water per 100 lb. of gypsum

cement. Can be carved or added to. Setting

expansion about twice that of Moulding Plaster

or Pottery Plaster. Manufactured at Southard,

Oklahoma, only.

Gypsum Cements from United States Gypsum CompanyTrademarks: The following trademarks used herein

are owned by United States Gypsum Company

or a related company: A-11, AIRTROL, B-11,





RAM is a registered trademark of Ram Products,

Inc. KELLER is a trademark of Keller

Manufacturing Company.tampered and covered


no evidencenone of us got away

rolled over and covered

no one could know so no one could live



definition:An external opening in the nasal cavity of a vertebrate; a nostril.


no tracks left behind

did they find our tracks around the truck?

crack shack...
defined: Refers to a total flop house where everyone goes to party. This house is totally run down, and no room or anything else in the house is of limits.
There is usually a party going on (6 people or more) at least 72 hours each week.

A secret place not known by many people, only dealers and safe people, where crack is sold and bought.
scattered messages

pulsating energy

laughing cackles


took piece of sherilyn's jewelry as trophie and other trophies

graphic knowledge

painful day

lungs couldn't breathe

craftiness of men

red cliff ...

3706 San Mateo Ln.

El Paso, TX 79902

Red Cliff, Inc.

Nathan McGrand,+oklahoma&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

note left

cross paths - hills

Nathaniel  (note: see Red Cliff)


Narrows ...note:  please take a look at this first link as it seems most important to the word "Narrows"...'s_Station+narrows+near+red+oak+oklahoma&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

connect the dots