Theory on why, on the edition of "Disappeared" in which this case was featured, the family was said to be moving in and out of their house like in a trance and why they had "bank bags" full of approx. $32K under the seats...They were being told what to do. They were afraid for their lives. They were being played like puppets with some sort of threat hanging over them. Anyone else agree that could be a possibility? It would explain the behavior.
Like · · November 8 at 8:38am ·
Comment: then why wouldn't the "puppet masters" have taken the money and why would they have told them to bring the dog?
November 8 at 10:01pm · Like
ME I don't know. Just trying to theorize and hope that people can tweak my theories so that they make sense:)
November 9 at 2:42pm · Like
Comment: I have to agree with you. The reason they didn't take the money from under the seat one knew it was there, except Bobby. Also, if you watch the video closley, you will see another person. It isn't Bobby or Sherilyn. They have a different shirt on. They also look huskier than Bobby.
November 9 at 8:45pm · Like
ME I have my suspicions but I think that certain people in law enforcement are involved and I won't name them here. This makes it so that they can cover up any other part of the scene because their vehicles would already have made tire marks on the ground. Anyone know what Bobby's brother's build is? Supposedly, he claimed the money from the "officials" and if this is the case, there could have been a circular round here with the story. What do you guys think?
November 9 at 9:10pm · Like
Comment: I will watch the Disappeared episode again. I must have missed or just overlooked the other person.
November 12 at 7:15am · Like
ME: Pay close attention to the coverage they provide on the edition of "Disappeared" of what the security cameras showed. There are two different men that seem to have two different builds. Additionally, there is one that has a white shirt and one with an army green shirt.
November 12 at 6:26pm · Like
Comment: I missed it too! I'm going to look at it again, and again..I keep hoping something will just jump out!!!!
November 13 at 5:27pm · Like
ME: I wonder if anyone near...hint, hint (name)...has any way of getting access to more of that footage?
November 13 at 7:59pm · Like
ME: the "puppet masters" did take the money. It was just taken after the whole case had subsided. They took it "legally". Also, about the dog...if they would have left the dog at home, people would have become more suspicious more quickly that something wasn't quite right. IF they were REALLY looking at property, they would take the dog and so they had to take the dog to overt suspicion of others being the "puppet masters" so that the case would still be in the place that it is in today.
November 14 at 10:00am · Like
ME: Additionally, regarding the money. Has there been any investigation into the mass withdrawl of the money and footage of them doing so on the date that was recorded. Since it was in bank bags, it had to be a mass withdrawl.
November 14 at 10:01am · Like
ME: To add to that, why would there be a hate letter to Bobby in a notebook so handy in the vehicle. Wouldn't it have been given to him if it was to him? Wouldn't it be taken out of the notebook? Why would it be in the truck so conveniently as they disappeared?
November 14 at 10:03am · Like

This is one of the community members/contributors to the above project...
Knights of Columbus
Oklahoma Order link
The above logo is for the 4th degree
Here is the link to the supreme order...
I have also seen something like this...
National Sheriff's Association: